Monthly Archives: March 2020

#030 Stacy Pederson

Stacy Pederson is an innovator. After failing in every conceivable way (her words) Stacy chose to reinvent herself. She is now a sought-after Keynote Motivational Speaker who gives audiences fun—yet practical actions on how to overcome stress, handle change, be more resilient, and live a life that matters.  She has also knocked on deaths door and lived to talk about it.

#029 Brad Converse

Brad has helped organize over 100 experts that are currently working on a dozen different solutions for hospital supply chains, ranging from PPE to ventilator manifolds, sanitation to safe grocery store practices. This is a grass roots effort that includes many experts and manufacturers in Southern Oregon and far beyond. It’s called Covid Skunkworks!  The goal is to create technical documentation that can be easily understood and implemented around the entire world in garages and manufacturing facilities that would not typically be used for this type of equipment.

#028 Amanda Valentine

She was my co-host for a year on Q100.3, has won a CMA Award for Large Market Personality of the Year, is the host of the Pound This Podcast, has a cookbook, seasonings, and much more.  We talk about health, Corona virus, eating disorders, our personal lives, the future, and more.

#027 Corona virus discussion with Michael Campbell

Micheal and I hooked up via the internet to talk about what is happening in America with the Corona virus.  He was in his “Beyond The Band” studio and I was in my bedroom.  I will be working remotely for a while.  Take a listen as we discuss our current situations.

#026 Gerrin Beck

Gerrin served in the United States Navy, is a business owner (Cigar Cave and more), and has been in the Grants Pass active club for almost 20 years.  He had the privilege of leading the club as President for two terms.  We talked about all of this and more!

#025 J.R. Godley

J.R. works for the Central Point Police Department and is currently a School Resource Officer for Central Point schools.  We talked about his military service, going oversees to Iraq, what it’s like working in law enforcement in his home town, sports, his role in the D.A.R.E. program (bullying), and much more!