#009 Joe Tate

Before he let a future country music star sleep on his couch he worked in the woods, sang in a band, worked for a legend in the car business, and now runs Medford BMW.  And he’s a small town Oregon boy like myself!

#008 My Grandma Marian Owens

This was a special podcast.  My grandma and I discussed what it was like to lose a child, volunteering on the Glendale Ambulance for over 40 years, and how she is partly responsible for something that could save your life.

#006 Steve Porter Sis-Q Communications

Steve played a very important role in bringing two way communication to Southern Oregon.  He has operated numerous tower sites on mountain peaks throughout Southern Oregon for over 30 years.  His story of growing up in the Bay Area is very cool!

#004 Kelsey and Troy Yoho Weekend Beer Company

They met in the Army, served in the same unit as Bowe Bergdahl (who went missing) in Afghanistan, helped in the search for Bergdahl, and started their own brewery with friends.

#002 Deputy Noah Strohmeyer

Jackson County Sheriff’s Deputy Strohmeyer talked about what it’s like to patrol the Bear Creek Greenway, survive cancer, have a son with a major health problem, and lose 10 days of your life.